Discovery of a
J. Clark Colloidal Minerals were first developed in the early 1920's
after T. J. Clark, a rancher in Central Utah fell seriously ill.
Doctors were unable to diagnose his illness and his condition became
progressively worse. Desperate to save his life, he allowed a local
Native American to lead him to a sacred spring and he drank from the
small pool of golden water that lay at the base of magnificent
sandstone cliffs. He continued drinking the water until his illness
subsided. Amazed by his recovery, T. J. traced the trickle of spring
water to its origin by following it through the labyrinth of cracks
and crevices in the sandstone cliffs isolating the various ore
deposits it passed through on its way to the healing pool below.
Researching the spring’s path led T. J. to the discovery of rich
mineral deposits. Verified by the U. S. Department of the Interior as
deposits of plant origin approximately 100 million years old, it
contains uniquely preserved mineral compounds from prehistoric plant
sources. T. J.’s original discovery still exists on his grandson,
Thomas “Tom” J. Clark’s privately-owned Last Chance Ranch.
Through research on his farm animals, T. J. found a variety of health
benefits which he attributed to the mineral compounds. He developed a
leaching process to extract the concentrated mineral compounds into
pure water duplicating the chemistry of the “healing pool” below.
He began passing out his mineral formula to his friends and neighbors.
The feedback that they provided, coupled with his personal experience
with the minerals, was the cornerstone of his research. Word of mouth
spread the news across the country about T. J. Clark’s phenomenal
discovery of these unique minerals.
T. J. spent the rest of his life investigating his phenomenon and
working with researchers. By the time he died, T. J. had created the
world’s finest mineral formula.* His legacy continues through the
work of his grandson and namesake, Tom, who is currently President and
CEO of T. J. Clark & Company.
Tom spent his early years
apprenticing with his grandfather. The years spent traipsing along
with T. J. taught him valuable lessons in finding, extracting and
processing T. J. Clark’s Mineral Formula, as well as the importance
of helping people. Tom has continued his grandfather’s scientific
research in order to further refine and enhance the legendary mineral
formulas. Today, Tom continues research into the electrical properties
of these unique mineral compounds and the unique synergy created
between them. It is the complex interactions of the elements over
millions of years, combined with a proprietary processing method that
provides the active ingredients in T. J. Clark Colloidal Minerals.
Modern science still has no means to identify the exact nature of the
many compounds and the interactions between them. As time passes, more
and more trace minerals are being recognized as essential to metabolic
function. Many knowledgeable scientists believe the T. J. Clark
Phenomenon will eventually provide the “key” to researchers in
discovering how these elements must be presented to be useful.
T. J. made history when he discovered this amazing phenomenon -
treasure - resource in Central Utah. Not only was T. J. responsible
for discovering this incredible Phenomenon, but he also originated the
entire “Colloidal Mineral” concept.
Today, his original discovery is still owned by Tom Clark and his
family. T. J. Clark & Company, based in St. George, Utah, is
recognized worldwide as the providers of the only product of its kind
whose efficacy is supported by over 90 years of effectiveness and
safety. T. J. Clark Minerals contain most of the 94 naturally
occurring elements in trace amounts.